Katia Duke - Honduras


Region: Copan

Altitude: 1550 masl

Process: Microorganism Fermentation Washed

Varietal: Catuai

We taste: Milk Chocolate, Plum, Lemon

San Isidro Farm & Katia Duke

Katia Duke’s Finca San Isidro is located in the Copan Department of Honduras. Her family has been producing coffee on the farm for generations using traditional methods. Katia spent most of her childhood on the farm, then moved to San Antonio de Oriente, Francisco Morazon, Honduras to study agronomy at the Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School. When the La Rosa rust epidemic hit Honduras in 2012, it destroyed the majority of Katia’s family’s coffee crop that year. In the wake of this devastating blow, Katia wanted to change the way her family thought about coffee.

Katia dove into the world of specialty coffee, becoming certified in roasting and barista skills. She opened her own coffee shop selling coffee from her family’s farm, and convinced her father to allow her several plots of land to farm as she wanted. However, there were many more struggles to come. Katia has had to push every step of the way to become a successful farmer, especially breaking through preconceptions of women in coffee. She is an AMAZING example of a leader in her community and serves as a beacon of hope for other women working in coffee. Katia is such a rockstar, when you meet her - you can feel her strength.

The Microorganism Fermentation Process

This coffee underwent Microorganism Fermentation Washed processing. The process begins with taking the leftover liquid from a batch of anaerobically fermented coffee, called mossto, which is full of different yeasts and microbial cultures from the fermented coffee. This microorganism-rich mossto is used to fuel the fermentation of this lot of coffee. Freshly harvested cherries are depulped and fermented in ceramic lined tanks for 18–24 hours with the mossto added. The coffee is then washed with fresh spring water to remove the remaining mucilage. This process is a super cool way to use materials already present on the farm to enhance the flavors of the coffee.

In the Cup

This coffee is an amazingly diverse and exciting cup of coffee. When it’s hot, there is a stone fruit sweetness that is accompanied by a delicate mouthfeel. As it cools, the lemon acidity becomes more present and the mouthfeel becomes more sweet and wide. It undergoes quite a transformation as it cools, bringing the best of two different profiles into one cup. The finish leaves us with a lingering milk chocolate sweetness that is a sweet takeaway from a wonderful cup of coffee. Overall, this coffee is a go-to for everyone and anyone who drinks coffee.

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